Thursday, June 26, 2008

i am blogging

after about a zillion tries I finally was able to get into the blog.. ( i consistently forgot the dot after theo in the theo.talcott ..ect ect).. alas i am here and i am blogging!!! anyway i just sent a request to melissa for our table at solar fest.. will fill you all in as soon as i hear from her... am also working on the rewrite of our mission statement and notes from our meeting...lets keep the energy flowing with our collective wisdom and prayer and for the earth.sally

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

we've got a blog! very exciting

hi everyone

that was such a good start to our project.

i think that' s the recipe for movement building

a sweet potluck dinner and good intentions .

i want this blog to be a place for lots of free thinking and posting

so let me start the ball rolling with some semi-randomish jibberish...

        (with a purpose)

let' s use this blog to gather our ideas, to think collectively when we are not together, and to organize work parties, and whatever else.

i really like the idea of getting together for workparties, where some earth friendly activity is suggested and then whoever wants can show up.  For example, I need help putting up the fence at the community garden.   So how about next Monday at 6, whoever can, meet at the Rec center.

I am going to make a sign for my farmer market booth inviting people to join the SEA.

Dinner at my house next week at 7 on Wednesday.   Invite everyone interested.

In between, let's get stuff done.

I particularly want to start gathering ideas about things we  can do for the community.

I intend to write up something about the Transition Town movement to help get us thinking about that as an organizing tool.

Tell me what you all are thinking about!

in green,


Dear Humans,

        Welcome to the Alliance.   we just ate organic salad and strawberrys and maple syrup smoothies and Cabot mac and cheese and we're now discussing how to save the world...

 junk parades, shires shares, all sorts of groovy things are being discussed.

stay tuned to this blog,

share what you got!

We want to build a big community movement to help our area become ecologically sustainable.

so we need your help and love and support.

please join us!


Theo Talcott

Sally Leonard

Bob Leondard

Lisa Laberge

Bill Laberge

Danielle Laberge (college embassador)

Elizabeth Laberge (technical advisor)